1 Papers can be recycled according to region-specific practices. In North America and Asia (including Japan), recyclable in consumer collection systems that can accept mixed paper (may not be recyclable in your area); in Europe recyclable in consumer collection systems that accept liquid packaging.
2 HP has a policy for offering Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC®)-certified paper that are sourced from FSC®-certified forests and other controlled sources. BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see Not all FSC®-certified products are available in all regions. For information about HP large format printing materials, please visit
3 With Original HP 772, HP 91, or HP 70 Photo Inks, or HP 771 Vivid Photo Inks. Display permanence rating for interior displays/away from direct sunlight, under glass by HP Image
Permanence Lab and/or by Wilhelm Imaging Research, Inc. on a range of HP media. For more information, see
4 With Original HP 771 Vivid Photo Inks, HP 91 or HP 70 Photo Inks, or HP 83 UV inks. Interior in-window display ratings by HP Image Permanence Lab on a range of HP media. HP predictions
based on test data under Xenon-Arc illuminant — calculation assumes 6,000 Lux/12 hr day. For more information, see
5 Performance varies based on printer and print profile. Water resistance testing by HP Image Permanence Lab on a range of HP media and follows ISO 18935 method. For more information, see: